Sunday, October 18, 2015

All things yummy related as told by NodeXL

NodeXL Graph Gallery details all things yummy with an intricate infographic. This graphic starts with the simple and more obvious objects connected to yummy things, for example cookies and the ingredients that go into making them. As the graphic progresses, the more in-depth objects related to yummy things are detailed. One example of a more in-depth object would be Christmas.

Most people do not think Christmas is necessarily "yummy" but after reading a detailed list describing all things that Christmas comes with, for example cookies and other desserts, it is not so bizarre to relate yum to Christmas. This infographic allows individuals to visualize all things that may or may not come to mind when seeing or thinking of cookies.

The purpose of this infographic is to provide its audience with a detailed visualization of all possible objects, people or places that could potentially be described as or linked to yummy. Like all infographics, the first subtopics are broad, allowing the following subtopics to increasingly become narrower as it proceeds. At first glance, this graphic is extremely hectic and unappealing to the eye. As the topics narrow, it is easier to comprehend the elements of this graphic.

The majority of people primarily relate food items to the word yummy; however, after reading the contents of this infographic, I now know that inedible objects have the potential to be linked to the idea of being yummy. Although it takes some creativity to allow the mind to explore some of these items, such as "recipe" or "vegan", this graphic provides its audience with an extremely detailed and broad list of all objects and memorable days that are linked to the idea of being yummy.